Forskare: Alejandro Pacheco, White arkitekter, Iason Bournas, LTH och
Marie-Claude Dubois, LTH
Projektet har resulterat i en rapport som erbjuder en ny metod för att på urban nivå, genom utvärdering av fasader, kunna verifiera att dagsljusnivåerna motsvarar Boverkets byggregler föreskrifter och råd, där det senare hänvisar till Svensk Standard.
Rapport: Advanced VSC – an Early-Stage Method to predict compliance with the Swedish Daylight Standard
The conflict between daylighting and urban densification has started to raise concerns in many cities around the world since daylight has been linked to health, well-being, and productivity of building inhabitants. There is a need to be able to assess daylight compliance early in the design process, possibly relying only on a simulation of daylight incident on building facades, without any prior knowledge of interior design and indoor configurations. This article presents the development of such method allowing a verification of daylight compliance of the Swedish daylight requirement with simulations at the urban scale based on exterior daylight metrics.